


(String: <span id="hs_cos_wrapper_post_body" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="meta_field" data-hs-cos-type="rich_text" ><p style="text-align: left;">Big celebration among Olympic torches, Five Circles athletes and fireworks</p> <!--more--> <p>Big party last night in Livigno, where the two-year anniversary of the start of the Milan Cortina 2026 Olympic Games was celebrated, the most eagerly awaited event of all, for Italian sport, and also a goal towards which the entire community of Little Tibet is moving towards with enthusiasm and participation. Livigno, in fact, will crown the next Olympic champions of the 24 freestyle and snowboarding gold medals, awarding the highest number of medals of all the Games, an event of gigantic proportions that will touch many important locations in our Alpine arc.<br><br>The official start of the countdown coincided with numerous celebrations and installations throughout Italy, and was greeted warmly by the entire population, who were able to enjoy the ski instructors' show, revisited in an Olympic key. The skiers, in fact, with the special addition of a dozen former Olympic athletes, originally from Livigno, gave life to a<br>torchlight procession, made iconic by the use of the original torches from previous editions of the Games: a collection<br>of inestimable value, which can be admired free of charge at the Aquagranda Olympic Preparation Centre.<br><br>An evening of great emotional transport, closed by a splendid fireworks display, which kicked off the final phase of the<br>process towards the Games, once again sealing the very close link between Livigno and the Five Circles. The decision to actively involve local Olympians also underlines the firm conviction that the ultimate value of this experience lies in the<br>of this experience lies in the cultural, social and economic heritage that the Games will be able to build, for and with the people of Livigno, well beyond 2026: a date that, today, really does seem to be on the horizon.</p>{{ include_custom_fonts({"Livigno":["Regular","Medium","Light","Bold Italic","Bold","Black","Thin","Medium Italic"]}) }}</span>)

Big celebration among Olympic torches, Five Circles athletes and fireworks

Big party last night in Livigno, where the two-year anniversary of the start of the Milan Cortina 2026 Olympic Games was celebrated, the most eagerly awaited event of all, for Italian sport, and also a goal towards which the entire community of Little Tibet is moving towards with enthusiasm and participation. Livigno, in fact, will crown the next Olympic champions of the 24 freestyle and snowboarding gold medals, awarding the highest number of medals of all the Games, an event of gigantic proportions that will touch many important locations in our Alpine arc.

The official start of the countdown coincided with numerous celebrations and installations throughout Italy, and was greeted warmly by the entire population, who were able to enjoy the ski instructors' show, revisited in an Olympic key. The skiers, in fact, with the special addition of a dozen former Olympic athletes, originally from Livigno, gave life to a
torchlight procession, made iconic by the use of the original torches from previous editions of the Games: a collection
of inestimable value, which can be admired free of charge at the Aquagranda Olympic Preparation Centre.

An evening of great emotional transport, closed by a splendid fireworks display, which kicked off the final phase of the
process towards the Games, once again sealing the very close link between Livigno and the Five Circles. The decision to actively involve local Olympians also underlines the firm conviction that the ultimate value of this experience lies in the
of this experience lies in the cultural, social and economic heritage that the Games will be able to build, for and with the people of Livigno, well beyond 2026: a date that, today, really does seem to be on the horizon.

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