
(String: {%- set hs_blog_post_body -%} {%- set in_blog_post_body = true -%} <span id="hs_cos_wrapper_post_body" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="meta_field" data-hs-cos-type="rich_text" ><p><span>Little Tibet is getting ready to kick off the summer season and welcome, starting in early June, all mountain lovers who are eager to spend their holidays in a region that offers a blend of moments marked by the pleasures of good food with traditional and gourmet flavors, outdoor experiences ranging from adrenaline-filled to soft ones, and exclusive lifestyle experiences to be enjoyed at a slow pace to rejuvenate mind and body.</span></p> <!--more--> <p>Whoever chooses Livigno as their holiday destination or for some summer weekends, cannot help but notice<br>that<span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;"> the town is changing its appearance in view of the Five Circles in 2026 and the air that one breathes is already</span><br><span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif;">crisp.</span><br>And so, as the town begins to transform, there are many experiences to be had in discovering the different facets of the beauty of Little Tibet, alone or in the company of friends and family.</p> <p>When talking about Livigno, it is impossible not to think of the sporting world: in summer, the resort is a veritable ‘open-air gym’, with a wide range of sporting activities to satisfy all sports enthusiasts. under the open sky', with a wide range of sporting activities to satisfy all sports enthusiasts.<br>The mountain trails are ready for those who choose <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">trekking</span>, discovering the beauty of Livigno on foot, penetrating into the woods on both sides, reaching even the highest peaks, some of which reach 3000 metres in height. For those who prefer a dynamic experience, the solution is to choose the world of biking, exploring <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">the 3,200 km of GPS-mapped routes between MTB, enduro, flow trail, downhill and freestyle</span>. Downhill and freestyle lovers will enjoy the most beautiful Bike Parks in Italy: the <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">Bikepark Mottolino</span>, will open on 15 June, and the Carosello and SITAS bike area, which will open on 22 and 28 June respectively with enduro and flow trails.<br>Road cycling fans will be able to retrace the footsteps of the great athletes of the Giro d'Italia along the passes surrounding the resort with the epic climb to Mottolino, which this year marked the history of the Giro as the queen.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 1.7rem; letter-spacing: 0.015rem; background-color: transparent; color: var(--bs-body-color); font-family: var(--bs-body-font-family); font-weight: var(--bs-body-font-weight); text-align: var(--bs-body-text-align);">Per chi vuole pedalare facendo meno fatica, le</span><span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;"> e-bike,</span><span style="font-size: 1.7rem; letter-spacing: 0.015rem; background-color: transparent; color: var(--bs-body-color); font-family: var(--bs-body-font-family); font-weight: var(--bs-body-font-weight); text-align: var(--bs-body-text-align);"> le biciclette a pedalata assistita, sono il modo migliore per<br></span>godersi il panorama lungo i diversi percorsi che si snodano sui sentieri adiacenti al paese. Nel fondovalle, la ciclabile<br>di Livigno parte dal lago arrivando fino alla zona della Forcola, permettendo a tutti di pedalare sui suoi 17km<br>pianeggianti.</p> <p>Non mancano anche altre opzioni di sport, come per esempio l’equitazione, ideale per chi vuole un contatto anche<br>con gli animali, o il beach volley &amp; tennis, per divertirsi con famiglia o amici sfidandosi nel campo presente presso<br>Aquagranda, il centro fitness e benessere della località: tra relax e divertimento per tutte le età. L’area Slide&amp;Fun<br>ti aspetta con<span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;"> piscine coperte ed acquascivoli, idromassaggi e giochi d’acqua per adulti e bambini,</span> l’area<br>Wellness&amp;Relax è una vera e propria <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">spa ad alta quota</span> in cui concederti sauna, bagno turco, massaggi e tanti altri<br>trattamenti per il tuo benessere.</p> <p>For those who want to pedal with less effort, <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">e-bikes,</span> the pedal-assisted bicycles, are the best way to enjoy the panorama along the various trails around the village. On the valley floor, the bicycle path of Livigno starts at the lake and goes as far as the Forcola area, allowing everyone to pedal <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">on its 17km flat.</span><br><br>There is also no shortage of other sports options, such as horse riding, ideal for those who also want contact with animals, or beach volleyball. with animals, or beach volleyball &amp; tennis, to have fun with family or friends challenging each other on the court at Aquagranda, the resort's fitness and wellness centre: relaxation and fun for all ages. The Slide&amp;Fun area<br>area awaits you with <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">indoor pools and water slides, whirlpools and water games for adults and children</span>, the<br>The Wellness&amp;Relax area is a real <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">high-altitude spa</span> where you can enjoy a sauna, Turkish bath, massages and many other treatments for your well-being.</p> <p>Imprescindibile anche l’animo lifestyle della destinazione valtellinese, che vede come protagonisti lo <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">shopping</span> –<br>grazie agli oltre <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">250 negozi, boutique esclusive e monomarca </span>presenti nel centro pedonale del paese che<br>propongono una selezione dei più prestigiosi brand di fashion, beauty, tecnologia, sport e molto altro ancora – e<br>l’<span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">enogastronomia</span> locale a base di prodotti di alta qualità, in grado di accontentare tutti. I palati di adulti e bambini<br>saranno deliziati dalle numerose proposte tradizionali – tra cui sciatt e pizzoccheri, taroz, bresaola e la carne alla<br>griglia abbinata alla polenta – ma anche da quelle più gourmet, perfette per chi invece è alla ricerca di piatti innovativi<br>dai sapori ricercati.<br>Inoltre, anche quest’estate, la località valtellinese continuerà a fare da palcoscenico ad un fitto <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">palinsesto di eventi</span><br><span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">sportivi, musicali e culturali:</span></p> <p>The lifestyle spirit of the Valtellina destination is also indispensable, with <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">shopping</span> - thanks to the more than <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">250 shops, exclusive boutiques and single-brand </span>boutiques in the town's pedestrian centre that offer a selection of the most prestigious brands in fashion, beauty, technology, sports and much more - and local food and wine based on high quality products, able to please everyone. The palates of adults and children will be delighted by the numerous traditional offerings - including sciatt and pizzoccheri, taroz, bresaola and the grilled meat with polenta - as well as more gourmet dishes, perfect for those in search of innovative dishes with refined flavours. with sophisticated flavours.<br>Moreover, this summer, the Valtellina resort will continue to serve as the stage for<span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;"> a busy programme of sporting, musical and cultural events.</span><br><br></p> <p><strong>June 29</strong>: Granfondo Alè la Merckx, one of the must-attend events for road cycling enthusiasts, and this year, for the first time in its eighteen-year history, it will be held in Livigno with two available routes.</p> <p><strong>July 12</strong>: Sentiero Gourmet, the itinerant gastronomic event along the Valle del Vago during which renowned chefs, together with the chefs of the Livigno Chefs and Pastry Chefs Association, will prepare various high-level dishes.</p> <p><strong>July 20</strong>: Stralivigno, a fixed appointment for all trail running lovers with a route of about 21km – starting near the Aquagranda center – which crosses trails, dirt roads, and paved roads always surrounded by a picturesque and exciting landscape.</p> <p><strong>July 26-27-28</strong>: La Milanesiana, the event conceived and directed by Elisabetta Sgarbi and one of the most interesting and significant artistic and cultural events at a national and international level, which this year reaches its 25th edition.</p> <p><strong>July 31</strong>: Festa del Costume, an itinerant event with the tradition, history, and culture of Livigno.</p> <p><strong>August 10</strong>: Notte Nera, an evening spent in the dark, where the only illuminations will be candles, lanterns, and torches placed around the village.</p> <p><strong>August 18</strong>: Festa del Fen, a special occasion for residents and international tourists to closely observe traditional haymaking techniques, discovering anecdotes and stories about hay cutting and local life.</p> <p><strong>August 29</strong>: 1k Shot and Gara da li Contrada da Livign, two important local events that offer a taste of the winter skiing season in the middle of summer: the Gara da li Contrada da Livign is a Nordic skiing race in which the villagers participate wearing traditional clothes and old equipment; the 1k Shot, on the other hand, is a competition on narrow skis during which top athletes from the Biathlon and Cross-Country World Cup will compete for the podium.</p> <p><strong>September 6</strong>: ICON Xtreme Triathlon, one of the most prestigious extreme long-distance multi-discipline competitions with 3.8km of swimming in the Livigno lake, followed by 195km of biking and 5,000 meters of elevation gain.</p> <p><strong>September 21</strong>: Alpenfest, a day to relive the alpine transhumance, with the livestock dressed up and parading through the streets of the center and the Livigno people dressed in old clothes to relive the emotions of the peasant life of the past.</p> <p><span>It promises to be a rich and exciting summer for all those who want to escape the heat of the cities and choose Livigno as their preferred summer destination in the Italian Alps: a place to rejuvenate the mind and body through direct and privileged contact with nature, while also having fun and pursuing their passions.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p></span> {%- endset -%} {%- set hs_blog_post_summary -%} <p><span>Little Tibet is getting ready to kick off the summer season and welcome, starting in early June, all mountain lovers who are eager to spend their holidays in a region that offers a blend of moments marked by the pleasures of good food with traditional and gourmet flavors, outdoor experiences ranging from adrenaline-filled to soft ones, and exclusive lifestyle experiences to be enjoyed at a slow pace to rejuvenate mind and body.</span></p> {%- endset -%} {%- blog_post_data_wall_wrapper body={{hs_blog_post_body}}, summary={{hs_blog_post_summary}} %})

Little Tibet is getting ready to kick off the summer season and welcome, starting in early June, all mountain lovers who are eager to spend their holidays in a region that offers a blend of moments marked by the pleasures of good food with traditional and gourmet flavors, outdoor experiences ranging from adrenaline-filled to soft ones, and exclusive lifestyle experiences to be enjoyed at a slow pace to rejuvenate mind and body.

Whoever chooses Livigno as their holiday destination or for some summer weekends, cannot help but notice
that the town is changing its appearance in view of the Five Circles in 2026 and the air that one breathes is already
And so, as the town begins to transform, there are many experiences to be had in discovering the different facets of the beauty of Little Tibet, alone or in the company of friends and family.

When talking about Livigno, it is impossible not to think of the sporting world: in summer, the resort is a veritable ‘open-air gym’, with a wide range of sporting activities to satisfy all sports enthusiasts. under the open sky', with a wide range of sporting activities to satisfy all sports enthusiasts.
The mountain trails are ready for those who choose trekking, discovering the beauty of Livigno on foot, penetrating into the woods on both sides, reaching even the highest peaks, some of which reach 3000 metres in height. For those who prefer a dynamic experience, the solution is to choose the world of biking, exploring the 3,200 km of GPS-mapped routes between MTB, enduro, flow trail, downhill and freestyle. Downhill and freestyle lovers will enjoy the most beautiful Bike Parks in Italy: the Bikepark Mottolino, will open on 15 June, and the Carosello and SITAS bike area, which will open on 22 and 28 June respectively with enduro and flow trails.
Road cycling fans will be able to retrace the footsteps of the great athletes of the Giro d'Italia along the passes surrounding the resort with the epic climb to Mottolino, which this year marked the history of the Giro as the queen.

Per chi vuole pedalare facendo meno fatica, le e-bike, le biciclette a pedalata assistita, sono il modo migliore per
godersi il panorama lungo i diversi percorsi che si snodano sui sentieri adiacenti al paese. Nel fondovalle, la ciclabile
di Livigno parte dal lago arrivando fino alla zona della Forcola, permettendo a tutti di pedalare sui suoi 17km

Non mancano anche altre opzioni di sport, come per esempio l’equitazione, ideale per chi vuole un contatto anche
con gli animali, o il beach volley & tennis, per divertirsi con famiglia o amici sfidandosi nel campo presente presso
Aquagranda, il centro fitness e benessere della località: tra relax e divertimento per tutte le età. L’area Slide&Fun
ti aspetta con piscine coperte ed acquascivoli, idromassaggi e giochi d’acqua per adulti e bambini, l’area
Wellness&Relax è una vera e propria spa ad alta quota in cui concederti sauna, bagno turco, massaggi e tanti altri
trattamenti per il tuo benessere.

For those who want to pedal with less effort, e-bikes, the pedal-assisted bicycles, are the best way to enjoy the panorama along the various trails around the village. On the valley floor, the bicycle path of Livigno starts at the lake and goes as far as the Forcola area, allowing everyone to pedal on its 17km flat.

There is also no shortage of other sports options, such as horse riding, ideal for those who also want contact with animals, or beach volleyball. with animals, or beach volleyball & tennis, to have fun with family or friends challenging each other on the court at Aquagranda, the resort's fitness and wellness centre: relaxation and fun for all ages. The Slide&Fun area
area awaits you with indoor pools and water slides, whirlpools and water games for adults and children, the
The Wellness&Relax area is a real high-altitude spa where you can enjoy a sauna, Turkish bath, massages and many other treatments for your well-being.

Imprescindibile anche l’animo lifestyle della destinazione valtellinese, che vede come protagonisti lo shopping
grazie agli oltre 250 negozi, boutique esclusive e monomarca presenti nel centro pedonale del paese che
propongono una selezione dei più prestigiosi brand di fashion, beauty, tecnologia, sport e molto altro ancora – e
l’enogastronomia locale a base di prodotti di alta qualità, in grado di accontentare tutti. I palati di adulti e bambini
saranno deliziati dalle numerose proposte tradizionali – tra cui sciatt e pizzoccheri, taroz, bresaola e la carne alla
griglia abbinata alla polenta – ma anche da quelle più gourmet, perfette per chi invece è alla ricerca di piatti innovativi
dai sapori ricercati.
Inoltre, anche quest’estate, la località valtellinese continuerà a fare da palcoscenico ad un fitto palinsesto di eventi
sportivi, musicali e culturali:

The lifestyle spirit of the Valtellina destination is also indispensable, with shopping - thanks to the more than 250 shops, exclusive boutiques and single-brand boutiques in the town's pedestrian centre that offer a selection of the most prestigious brands in fashion, beauty, technology, sports and much more - and local food and wine based on high quality products, able to please everyone. The palates of adults and children will be delighted by the numerous traditional offerings - including sciatt and pizzoccheri, taroz, bresaola and the grilled meat with polenta - as well as more gourmet dishes, perfect for those in search of innovative dishes with refined flavours. with sophisticated flavours.
Moreover, this summer, the Valtellina resort will continue to serve as the stage for a busy programme of sporting, musical and cultural events.

June 29: Granfondo Alè la Merckx, one of the must-attend events for road cycling enthusiasts, and this year, for the first time in its eighteen-year history, it will be held in Livigno with two available routes.

July 12: Sentiero Gourmet, the itinerant gastronomic event along the Valle del Vago during which renowned chefs, together with the chefs of the Livigno Chefs and Pastry Chefs Association, will prepare various high-level dishes.

July 20: Stralivigno, a fixed appointment for all trail running lovers with a route of about 21km – starting near the Aquagranda center – which crosses trails, dirt roads, and paved roads always surrounded by a picturesque and exciting landscape.

July 26-27-28: La Milanesiana, the event conceived and directed by Elisabetta Sgarbi and one of the most interesting and significant artistic and cultural events at a national and international level, which this year reaches its 25th edition.

July 31: Festa del Costume, an itinerant event with the tradition, history, and culture of Livigno.

August 10: Notte Nera, an evening spent in the dark, where the only illuminations will be candles, lanterns, and torches placed around the village.

August 18: Festa del Fen, a special occasion for residents and international tourists to closely observe traditional haymaking techniques, discovering anecdotes and stories about hay cutting and local life.

August 29: 1k Shot and Gara da li Contrada da Livign, two important local events that offer a taste of the winter skiing season in the middle of summer: the Gara da li Contrada da Livign is a Nordic skiing race in which the villagers participate wearing traditional clothes and old equipment; the 1k Shot, on the other hand, is a competition on narrow skis during which top athletes from the Biathlon and Cross-Country World Cup will compete for the podium.

September 6: ICON Xtreme Triathlon, one of the most prestigious extreme long-distance multi-discipline competitions with 3.8km of swimming in the Livigno lake, followed by 195km of biking and 5,000 meters of elevation gain.

September 21: Alpenfest, a day to relive the alpine transhumance, with the livestock dressed up and parading through the streets of the center and the Livigno people dressed in old clothes to relive the emotions of the peasant life of the past.

It promises to be a rich and exciting summer for all those who want to escape the heat of the cities and choose Livigno as their preferred summer destination in the Italian Alps: a place to rejuvenate the mind and body through direct and privileged contact with nature, while also having fun and pursuing their passions.




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via Domenión, 214

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via Saròch, 948

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Via Strada Statale 301, 6232

Hotel Palù

Via Ostaria, 313

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Via Plan, 422/A

Hotel Camana Veglia

Via Ostaria, 583

Chalet Mottolino

Via Bòndi, 478

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Via Rin, 379/d

Baita Gen

Via Florin, 129

Baita PierGi

Via Motolin 141

Chalet Li Mina

Via Saroch, 1218b

Livigno Wooden House

Via Rin, 160/A